Stanley Lin


Hi! I’m Stanley and I’m a software developer experienced with full stack web development and mobile development. I graduated from Cornell University with a bachelors in Computer Science.

I’ve worked at Stripe to help the company expand their Android SDK feature set for physical card readers. I’ve also been a software development intern at Amazon’s Lab126, where I work on developer tooling with the group’s DevOps team. I’ve also interned at Uber, where I worked in the former Advanced Technologies Group to help develop an autonomous vehicle.

Other projects I’ve pursued in my free time include creating a ray tracing engine from scratch, building a REST API for a facial recognition system, and building various mobile apps.

When I’m not at my computer, I enjoy skiing, swimming, and teaching myself the drums. I also know how to play the diabolo (feel free to ask me what it is)!

I look forward to meeting you!

A summary about me

I’m Stanley and I’m a software developer experienced with full stack web development and mobile development.

Some languages and libraries I've used are: Kotlin, Javascript, React.js, Python, Flask, AWS, Node.js, Java, JQuery, Android, C, Redux, Bootstrap, Flutter, HTML, CSS, Go, C++, SQL, MongoDB, Mbed, Verilog

I've worked on Android SDKs at Stripe, DevOps at Amazon, worked on an autonomous vehicle at Uber, done research with robotics and computer vision, and built a semiautonomous lab robot